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Furniture production environment noise, dust, harmful gas control

In recent years, the rapid development of furniture industry, furniture production gradually abandoned the hand-workshop-based small-scale production model, basically achieved industrialization, large-scale production model. With the continuous expansion of production scale and the enhancement of industrialization, the ecological environment has been destroyed, and the problems of noise, dust and harmful gas pollution in the furniture production environment have become increasingly serious. Although many enterprises have taken some measures to control pollution, their pollution control results are not very satisfactory because of the cost of management and management. Most of the furniture manufacturers pollution problem is still more serious.

We should attach importance to some problems in economic development and seek solutions that will both promote the sustainable development of the furniture industry and reduce the emission of harmful substances and maintain the production environment and ecological environment so as to gradually achieve the IS014000 goal. The furniture manufacturing enterprises will be promoted to a new platform, so that pollution control has become its own development, protecting the interests of employees and building a harmonious society, a meaningful work.

1 noise pollution and governance

The level of the sound tone depends on the frequency of the sound wave, the higher the frequency the more sharp the sound. The human ear can hear the sound frequency range from 20Hz-2000Hz, while the frequency of 3000Hz-4000Hz sound is the most sensitive. Sound waves in the spread of the process, the air pressure throughout the space will change, which is the sound pressure. In fact, the noise radiated by the machine during operation will not go by one or a few frequencies, but often by a combination of numerous frequencies from low frequencies to high frequencies and sounds of different intensities. The impact of noise on the human body depends not only on the sound pressure level, but also on the frequency spectrum of the noise, the duration of the noise and other factors.

Noise will cause great anti-human hearing damage, people will be tinnitus in the long-term noise environment, hearing loss, unresponsive. Environmental noise interferes with people's work, study, rest, so that normal life, work environment is destroyed. In order to maintain a normal life and work order, the state has formulated several major categories of product noise standards, emission noise standards and environmental quality standards.

Product noise standards for various types of products is the technical indicators. Such as woodworking machinery, air compressors factory noise limits, emission standards are "industrial enterprises boundary noise standards" (GB12348 • 90), the standard, at different locations, at different times of the allowable value of the enterprise noise emissions, Value is polluting the environment. For the internal environment of the enterprise, the Ministry of Health and the State Administration of Labor issued the "Code for Design of Noise Control of Industrial Enterprises" (GBJ87-85), which stipulates the noise limits for all kinds of locations in industrial enterprises. In the plant area, the maximum noise of the work place can reach 90dB, workshop office, workers' lounge 70dB, clinic 55dB.

Furniture manufacturers noise comes mainly from two aspects. First, the power source. Such as air compressor, ventilation, exhaust ventilation equipment; Second, woodworking equipment. These devices vibrate and rub noise during operation. There are generally three ways to deal with noise.

Suppress noise from the sound source. Through a series of measures to improve the structure of the equipment, improve the accuracy of the equipment, use new equipment, and change the operating procedures and procedures, a series of measures were taken to reduce the sound source noise. For example, the installation of fan damping devices; woodworking machinery selection of cutting new tools with good cutting stability; conditions permit the reduction of cutting speed and so on.

Reduce noise in the way of noise transmission. Common technical measures are sound absorption, noise, noise reduction, damping vibration. Sound absorbing material is a surface, the internal porous material, when the sound waves into the heat into. Woodworking machinery cutting paste at the sound absorption material can effectively reduce noise.

The most negative management methods, allowing operators to wear protective earmuffs, can reduce the noise on the operator harm.

At present, with the progress of technology, advanced equipment: the impact of noise pollution is weakening.

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